scheepvaart Nieuwe Waterweg

On Monday June 3, Deltares, RWS-WVL/MOSWOZ, RWS-CIV, MARIN, TU Delft and the Coastguard organized a workshop on Nautical Safety in the North Sea. As the Dutch government has the task to keep future safety levels the same as presently, the strong increase in planned activities in the North Sea poses a huge challenge.

With more than 20 participants they discussed how to make better use of available data sources (e.g. AIS data), how to work together more closely and what tools need to be developed. The ‘Calculate at the Data’ project, which was developed within DigiShape over the past year, was seen as a promising option. The Digital Twin is, of course, also a relevant topic in this context.

Sharing the most recent academic developments, learning from practical experiences and hearing about all the policy challenges, resulted in a very inspiring day. Many ideas for cooperation were formed and in the coming period, the collaborating parties will continue to develop the collected ideas into proposals and projects to ensure that safe shipping remains possible in the future.

Note: The importance of this issue is also clear from this report Schipperen met Ruimte, that was recently published by the Dutch Safety Board.


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Project 3D platform

We visualiseren de Noordzee via een VR-bril met een koptelefoon. Zo kun je vanuit verschillende gezichtspunten, zowel onder water als boven water zien en horen wat er gebeurt als je een windmolenpark op zee bouwt of als er een boot komt overvaren. Alles wat je beleeft is gebaseerd op echte data, dus niet fictief. Dat is volgens mij uniek, ik heb hier in ieder geval nog geen andere voorbeelden van gezien.

Petra Jeurissen, RWS

Project 3D platform