waterdiepte waal

On Wednesday, May 29, Thomas Stolp from HKV gave an online technical session about Bed level forecast in the Waal with spatio-temporal networks. 


In this technical session, Thomas explored the application of spatio-temporal Machine Learning models for short term forecasting of bed levels in the Waal river. Such forecast can be used as monitoring of shallow areas that may require dredging. Thomas discussed the challenges they encountered when applying such models for this use case.


  • introduction
  • technical explanation of the model
  • challenges that were faced
  • data preprocessing that was improved
  • discussion (not recorded)

More information

  • pdfSheets of Thomas' presentation
  • You can contact Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. if you have any further questions or ideas

Recording of this session / terugkijken


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