With MijBrein, we create insights into large amounts of temporal and spatial data in an accessible way.

MijBrein is an online analysis and visualization tool that lets you explore relationships and patterns in your data. The tool was developed by HKV Lijn in Water on behalf of and in cooperation with Rijkswaterstaat. The introduction for this is that Rijkswaterstaat sees opportunities in further enriching the current data and data streams from the various monitoring networks by analyzing them in combination. The current interpretation of MijBrein aims to increase and improve the understanding of the main water system.

Datasets from different monitoring networks

The information accessed in MijBrein is composed of datasets from different monitoring networks and provides insight into chemical parameters, biological quality elements and species composition. In the development of this version of MijBrein, work was done using existing static data sources (Aquadesk and DONAR) to develop reproducible analyses for (a) the comparison of chemical data with macrofauna data and (b) the comparison of chemical data with respect to applicable standards. In the two types of analyses, all kinds of cross-sections of a large amount of data can be displayed and analyzed in a few clicks. This thus provides insight in a very accessible and clear way.

Interactive insight and Chemistry parameters with standard

There are two types of analysis so far. In the first type of analysis โ€œinteractive insightโ€ chemistry and macrofauna data for three WFD areas (Veerse Meer, Grensmaas and Markermeer) are unlocked. In this analysis, it is possible to compare a chemical parameter with a macrofauna parameter. It is possible to create a time series per measurement location or to display the time series for a selection of locations. The figures together can be used to compare the data chemical and macrofauna data.

In the second type of analysis โ€œchemistry parameters with standardโ€ it is possible to visualize chemical or biological supporting parameters for all monitoring sites available for freshwater. The data can then be compared with the corresponding standards (AA-EQS and MAC-EQS).

Take a look for yourself here! https://mijbrein.hkvservices.nl/interactief_inzicht/

Er zijn nog veel ontwikkelingen mogelijk voor de toekomst van MijBrein. Zo zijn de analyses op dit moment gebaseerd op een statische database. Deze database kan uitgebreid worden. Als de database wordt uitgebreid, wordt de data standaard opgenomen in de grafieken in de viewer. De wens is dat MijBrein in de toekomst gelinkt is aan APIโ€™s die beschikbaar komen voor de verschillende gebruikte databases. Ook zijn er nog talloze extra analyses en inzichten te maken. Denk aan correlaties tussen relevante datasets, automatische detectie van extremen of trends en andere verhelderende toepassingen. Er staan nog mooie ontwikkelingen in het verschiet, waarover we jullie meer laten weten als deze zijn toegepast!



MIJ brein